
How are you doing staying at home? We've to admit, we have been pretty shocked. 

After the global developments, we had expected to close our shop. (A close relative is currently doing her Masters in Daegu, South Korea and so we had a live connection, so to speak, right in the middle of the South Korean epicenter of the corona virus spreading. A friend's son has been living in China for many years and news reached from there.) No matter how everyone in Germany tries to focus on "no scaremongering". We know for sure that we shouldn't play with this pandemic, and not just because we live in the 4 generation large family togetherness, in which some family members are now suddenly assigned to the risk group, and others may simply not know whether they may also belong to the risk group.

This disease is not only highly contagious, it is also far too little researched to be able to get involved in many ideas that are now so prominent. Protection is our top priority.
And what do we do about it?

We would have voluntarily closed the shop. Although of course this is associated with fears. But we also have to act rationally in fear. We know for sure that we would face bankruptcy sooner than face the death of many people.
Rational action helps immensely. - Even when overcoming fears or feelings of shame. Yes, that is also part of the inner bastard at the moment in many places. Wearing a mask at the local supermarket? Quite embarrassing for many. We too have been laughed at. But do you know what? In Daegu, Korea, they really got the virus under control. Without people being allowed to leave their homes. With a mask requirement, ban on major events and appeals to reason: keep your distance and stay at home whenever possible.
Like everyone else, we in the family first had to get used to the new situation. Who can do the big family shopping at the moment? And how exhausting is this under the new circumstances? Who does the cooking? And who is the best homeschooling teacher? How do the elderly and most vulnerable deal with the restrictions that affect them? All of this had to be clarified first and now we are doing quite well in the new system. We have postponed other questions. Because some questions should only be addressed when they arise. Otherwise the stress level rises immeasurably beforehand.

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