Gift ideas for your valentine!
For us, the new year starts with a lot of traveling. Anyone who follows us on Instagram or Facebook has noticed that we were out and about for you in London and Paris to bring you the most beautiful things from friendly designers and manufacturers to Munich. At Nauli & Stories we carry a lot that was thought up and made locally. But we are now waiting full of excitement for the next weeks and months when the new goods will arrive from all over the world.
Ok, we have now digressed a little ... We actually want to introduce you to our favorite products for Valentine's Day! Because maybe you have just as little time as we do and you can use some good ideas.Flower balls, also called seed bombs, with a declaration of love from Studio Laube. Suitable for flower lovers who are available for surprise plants in the flower pot or in the garden. Here.
Die beliebten StoryTiles eignen sich besonders um der besonderen Person in Deinem Leben "Ich liebe Dich" zu sagen. Ob er für ihn, sie für ihn, er für sie oder sie für sie. Das Motiv mit dem blauen Traumschloss ist in allen Versionen gleich schön. Hier.
Or the classic among the products from the Nauli workshop? With your own photos, a Leporello becomes a really special gift, where the recipient can see that you have given some thought. Here.
Wenn es etwas für die Ewigkeit sein soll, dann liegst Du mit einem Medaillon der Münchner Goldschmiedin Mabotte richtig. Sie sind aus massivem Silver gefertigt und tragen ein Foto des Liebsten. Bei uns bekommst Du sie fertig aus unserem Schmuckkästchen, kannst aber auch aus dem großen Sortiment bestellen. Hier.

Or some cool spring socks? Make the two of you want to look forward to the coming season? We also have designs that are suitable for men. These, for example, are true storytellers.

Check out the current sock collection here.
Or how about a nice leather wallet in coral red or another color?
Have a look at our wallets here.
Would you like something more subtile for men? Voila!

If roses don't suit at all, you might want a beautiful potted plant in a even nicer flower pot by Mari Masot ?
If there is nothing in our collection, maybe it just needs a nice greeting card with your carefully chosen words?
You can find our cards for Valentine's Day here.
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