Wide Eyed Editions Bilderbuch WONDERS OF THE WORLD Atlas of Adventures
Wide Eyed Editions Bilderbuch WONDERS OF THE WORLD Atlas of Adventures
Wide Eyed Editions Bilderbuch WONDERS OF THE WORLD Atlas of Adventures
Normaler Preis€29,90
inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
  • 3-5 Tage in DE, 5-10 Tage in EU
  • Auf Lager
  • Nachbestellt, bald verfügbar

From the team behind the best-selling Atlas of Adventures comes this awe-inspiring journey of discovery. Showcasing the globe's most impressive landscapes, iconic buildings and evocative antiquities from both the modern and ancient worlds, this is the most wonderful Atlas adventure yet!

Travel around the world to scale the Eiffel Tower, trek the Great Wall of China, and raft through the Yosemite Valley. On every page, another awe-inspiring sight awaits, from the deepest point on Earth to the highest peak, ancient cities carved into rock and skyscrapers soaring above the clouds.

Each section begins with an infographic map of the region it explores, followed by richly detailed two-page spreads featuring its most jaw-dropping natural and manmade sights. Explore the sprawling and sacred Angkor Wat, survive the extreme heat of Death Valley, and gaze at the majestic ruins of Machu Picchu.

Lucy Letherland’s stunning artwork brings these wonders to life in all their awesomeness, with a real sense of their scale and history.

Interesting facts and figures pepper the scenes. Did you know that Hawaii’s Kilauea volcano is said to be home to a fire goddess? Or that Mount Everest is so high, helicopters can’t reach the top? Or that there’s a gigantic hole in the Caribbean Sea, filled with sharks, turtles and coral reefs? A 'Can you find?' page at the back challenges you to explore the pages even deeper by locating the pictured scenes and scene-stealers.

Children and adults alike will be astounded by the world’s most unbelievable sights in this compendium of wonders.

Autor: Lucy Letherland
Illustrator: Ben Handicott
Format: 28cm x 37,5cm
Hardcover 96 Seiten

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Versandkostenfrei ab 80 Euro. 

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