Fuchs' adventure takes him down into the depths of the sea.
Fascinated by the stories about a glowing underwater plant, Fuchs embarks on a mission into the deep sea. But such an adventurous undertaking cannot be mastered alone. Fortunately, his cousin Wolf is at his side and together they get the right equipment and plan the dive. With flippers, a filled oxygen bottle and an underwater camera in his luggage, Fuchs dares to jump into the cool water.
His search for the mysterious underwater plant takes many surprising turns: On the way he encounters giant algae, a coral city and a whale that has gotten caught in a fishing net. When he finally makes one last discovery, it becomes clear: together we are always stronger.
Fox on a mission in the deep sea is a book with many surprises. Find the glowing anemone like fox. To do this, hold the book in a bright light source and make it glow in the dark.
You can find this book in English here
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