Traveler's Company Notizheft TRAVELER'S Notebook -  Accordion fold paper
Traveler's Company Notizheft TRAVELER'S Notebook -  Accordion fold paper
Traveler's Company Notizheft TRAVELER'S Notebook -  Accordion fold paper
Traveler's Company Notizheft TRAVELER'S Notebook -  Accordion fold paper
Traveler's Company Notizheft TRAVELER'S Notebook -  Accordion fold paper
Traveler's Company Notizheft TRAVELER'S Notebook -  Accordion fold paper

TRAVELER'S Notebook - Accordion fold paper - "B-Sides & Rarities"

Regular price90 kr
Tax included. Shipping calculated at checkout.
  • Nachhaltiges Design
  • Flexibel nutzbar
  • Geschenkverpackung möglich

  • Voraussichtlich Anfang Oktober.

How about filling a timeline in your Traveler's Notebook? For example as a memory diary of a holiday. A leporello made of sketch paper that is also suitable for watercolors.

Size folded for Regular Size: 21cm x 11cm

From the limited edition "B-Sides & Rarities"

Made in Japan.


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Flexibel - Nachhaltig

Traveler's Notebook

Ein Notizbuch unserer Zeit. Die japanische Lederkladde lässt Dich flexibel Dein Trauminnenleben gestalten.

Reist Du viel und brauchst eine Mappe für Tickets und Eintrittskarten? Möchtest Du Briefmarken und Sticker immer griffbereit haben? Malst Du auch mal mit Wasserfarben eine Skizze in Dein Notizbuch oder schreibst Du im liebsten auf knisterndem Luftpostpapier?

Das Notizbuch gibt es in 2 Größen:

> Passport | > Regular

Traveler's Notebook Regular

The Traveler's Notebook is a Japanese notebook system that offers the user the creative use of his notebook in almost countless ways.

It consists of a leather binding that develops a patina over the years. The interior can always be designed in new ways - depending on needs and preferences.

This charming notebook system was brought to life in 2006 by Midori, which rebranded to TRAVELER'S COMPANY (TRC) in 2015.

The leather notebooks are made in fair production in Thailand. The inner workings come from Japan. There is probably no other notebook where you can choose from so many types of paper and lines. And of course there are also different calendar inserts.

The Traveler's Company takes into account the different writing preferences of its customers like no other. There is even an inlet made of airmail paper - with its typical rustling.

small Traveler's Notebook passport

A creative special collection of inner workings comes out every year, which brings new fun into your notebook.

In addition to notebooks as inner workings, there are also foils and folders, writing pads, pen pockets, stickers and brass clips for better organization. Depending on the current requirements, it can be quickly readjusted using the simple system. We show you how in this short video .

The notebook is available in two sizes and in the leather colors black , brown , blue and camel.

Which is your favourite?

Für's Traveler's Notebooks Regular

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